Joe Chiarella

Strategic Focus Alignment

Leadership + Vision + Communication + Execution

"An ounce of strategic focus today, avoids a pound of urgent action tomorrow."
Do you find yourself, as the leader of an organization, spending too much of your time putting out fires?
Would you rather be growing your organization and making it better?
Do you wonder why everyone in your organization is not rowing in your desired direction?
Do you have a Growth Mindset and do you "listen, learn, think and apply"?
If you answered yes to these questions, let's talk; Strategic Focus Alignment can help.

Click or tap to view an introduction to SFA.

We basically entrusted the future of our company to Joe's thoughtful consideration. We let Joe look into our proprietary code because he has a unique level of trustworthiness; He is one of the few people from whom we are more interested in a promise than a legal agreement. We chose Joe because he has a nuanced understanding of the stages of technology development, and the powerful impact of an analyst's recommendation. We knew he would tell the truth, but we knew he wouldn't use a broadsword where a scalpel was required. ~ Treff LaPlante, President, Express Dynamics, Inc. (2005)

Click or tap the "Contact Me" button below to arrange an initial conversation!

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