Joe Chiarella

Bringing Clarity to Complexity

Helping prepare for what comes... next.






In the hit 1999 movie The Sixth Sense the character Cole (Haley Joel Osment) says the now famous line "I see dead people." to the character Malcolm (Bruce Willis) who is one of those dead people... which Malcolm didn't know until that moment. Cole helps Malcolm see what is hidden so he can find meaning in, and prepare for, what comes next.


Like Cole, I see what is hidden: the patterns and the deep connections that make things happen. This brings clarity to complexity yielding a new depth and breadth of meaning and understanding, for you. So you can prepare for what comes next: better product(s)/service(s), strategy, organizational structure, technology/systems, and more...


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My 8C Philosophy:  "Strive to Contribute, Create and Collaborate. Cultivate a healthy Curiosity and a Constructive mindset. Grow Courageously. Most of all, Care for others."